
You can now advertise on my blog for as little as $6 USD a month!

Ad duration is 30 days and starts on the day payment is processed. Ads are shown on the bottom of the sidebar section.

Prices: Small Ad: 300 x 250px $6.00USD // Big Ad: 300 x 500px $10.00USD 

All ads are located on the sidebar and are not on rotation with other ads. Includes 1x Twitter mention, 1x Facebook page mention, 1x Pinterest Pins of items from your shop or blog, if applicable. 

To book a paid ad spot : please send your ad information (link, desired image and ad size) to inspirationshaveinone @ so I can then send you an invoice with payment details. Ads will appear on the blog as soon as payment is received. All payments to be made via Paypal. 

Want a discount? If you purchase an ad space for 6 or more months you'll receive a 10% discount off the total price.

Sponsored Posts

We are now accepting sponsored posts, as long as they fit in with the blog's theme (fashion and outfit posts, beauty products such as skincare and makeup, music, lifestyle, food and drink, etc). A sponsor post is considered a featured advertisement post and will be clearly marked at the bottom of the post as sponsored.

To discuss business opportunities you can contact me at


If you would like me to host a giveaway for your products let me know via email. Giveaways are hosted free of charge, have a duration of 4 weeks and winners are selected with Rafflecopter.

Ad Swaps

If you'd like to swap ads, just submit your details to my email. Don't forget to place my button on your blog too. Your button will stay in place for as long as you keep mine on your blog. 

Please choose the button that best suits your blog design from the gallery found here.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me: inspirationshaveinone @

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